Motor Vehicle Prorate

The Prorate tool (found in the tools menu of the Revenue screen) is able to split a dollar amount among authorities that should receive prorate money.  In order for the system to be able to calculate these amounts, it needs to know the Taxes Levied per authority that should receive it.  This can be done from the Authorities screen.  The Taxes Levied can be entered from the CTL for the given authority.  Once those values have been populated, the Prorate tool can be utilized.

Unlike some of the other checks received, the Prorate tool creates a miscellaneous receipt for the amount of the check that was entered.  This means a miscellaneous receipt doesn't need to be entered beforehand.  The Prorate tool asks for a taxyear and a tax amount to split.  Once those have been entered, pressing confirm shows a new miscellaneous receipt with the breakdown ready for verification.

Revenue screen with a sample prorate breakdown
Revenue Screen with prorate example breakdown shown.

The miscellaneous receipt can then be saved.

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