Frequently Asked Questions

Over the time spent upgrading and installing counties with the new MIPS Treasurer system, we've developed a list of questions that tend to get asked most often.

How do I quote someone how much they owe?

The most common way to quote somebody what they owe for taxes is to start on the Tax Collection screen. Perform a search for their name or property. Once the statement(s) in question has been located, add it to the shopping cart to get the estimated total, keeping in mind the interest date. If a hard copy of the quote is needed, there is a Print button at the top of the shopping cart that will generate a Payment Quote.

How do I perform a Redemption Quote?

A redemption quote can be generated from the Tax Sale screen, under the Redemption heading. There is also an additional option for this quote to take into account any outstanding statements that aren't included on the tax sale! This gives the tax payer one lump sum total.  In addition to the parcel payoff option, the system can calculate the payments including interest for the next 30 days.

How do I view the history of a statement? or How do I see the tax history of a parcel?

Statements are generated for a single tax year based on that year's levies, so there isn't a year to year history for a given statement. However, a parcel will get a statement created if applicable every year. If we want to view a history of taxes for a given parcel, we can do that using the Parcel History report. Typically this is used from the Tax Statement Editor for running history on a single parcel, but can also be found on the Tax Collection screen to display parcel history for every parcel from the search results.

When I Import Motor Vehicle, I get an error: "400 Bad Request". How do I fix this?

This error is usually a result of having open or unreconciled batches in the VicToRy system. In order to pull Revenue information from VicToRy, all the batches need to be closed and reconciled. Once done, they get processed overnight and are available for us to import the next day. Make sure all the batches for the requested time frame are closed and reconciled.  If you have to close any, you'll have to wait until the next day to try again.

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