Year End

At the end of the fiscal year, it’s important to roll the chart of accounts forward to get prepared for the coming year. The very first thing to do before starting the year end process is to make sure month end is complete for June and make sure everything is balanced. The process for doing this varies from county to county, but make sure to verify the numbers. Also, if it hasn’t been done already, print the Six-Month Listing report for the last half of the year. This can be found on the Reports step of the Month End Wizard, or under Reports in the Chart of Accounts menu.

Change Fiscal Year Dates

The next step in rolling over to the new fiscal year is of course to set the new fiscal year dates. To do this, open the Options screen. In the County category, there are the Fiscal Start Date and the Fiscal End Dates. Set these to the new fiscal year dates.

The Options screen showing the Fiscal Start and Fiscal End dates
The Options screen showing the Fiscal Start and Fiscal End dates.

Populate Chart of Accounts for New Year

Once the new dates are set, the next step is to populate the chart of accounts for the new year. This can be done on the Chart of Accounts screen. Clicking on Tools will show an option to Populate Chart of Accounts. Once started, this process may take a few minutes to complete.

The Tools menu of the Chart of Accounts screen
The Tools menu of the Chart of Accounts screen showing the Populate Chart of Accounts option.
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